
Why Do a Number of Businesses Prefer Native Apps?

 Native apps have their own charm because they offer enough speed and performance for businesses to take advantage of. Well, there was a time when businesses shifted their preferences from native apps to web apps because web apps did not need separate coding for various platforms. These apps were however slow and did not have the ability to use the native features of the mobile devices such as camera, GPS etc. Then there came a time where hybrid apps took over, combining the benefits of both mobile and web apps. Native apps development however is still popular and there are many businesses that prefer their apps to reside on the user's mobile phone so that they can conveniently use it. That's exactly why mobile apps gain more traction. They are present on the mobile and very handy when needed! Web apps have a lot more dependencies for performance such as the strength of the carrier network or the internet connection and the overall quality of the hosting service. Here's why

What Is the Cost of Hiring a WordPress Developer?

Whenever we start discussing the CMS's for designing and developing a website, we cannot neglect the presence of WordPress. WordPress is one of the most powerful CMS platforms that allow you to build websites for different users. Such is the dominance of WordPress that millions of websites have been developed by it. No other CMS can match the reliability and flexibility that WordPress provides. From the above paragraph, it is clear that WordPress provides a great platform for web development. So, if web development is on your mind then sooner or later you would feel the need of hiring a WordPress developer. When you start looking out for a developer for your website, then there will be two broad choices that you will have to face. One is that of a Freelancer whereas the other is an agency. Regardless of whatever choice you make, either of two would work at a cost for you. Let's make a brief comparison of the cost of hiring, between a freelancer and an agency. Freelancer Rates: